

Actual Size: Up to 3 feet long (when mature)

Characteristics: White-face, fur-covered body with a prehensile tail, allowing them to hang from a limb for a short time.

Habitat: Naturally nomadic, seldom staying long in any one location.


  • Their hind feet boast an opposable hallux, enhancing their climbing abilities.
  • Ecologically beneficial by actively consuming a wide array of insects and snakes (which helps control pest populations and maintain ecological balance).

Opossums in the Pacific Northwest

Opossums were introduced to the Pacific Northwest between 1910 and 1921, initially brought in as pets or exotic novelties. Since then, they have established thriving populations primarily in northwestern Oregon, adapting well to the local environment. Despite being considered invasive, these opossums have integrated into various habitats, ranging from small streams and forested communities to diverse agricultural landscapes. Their presence underscores the complex interactions between introduced species and local ecosystems.

Opossum Habitat

Opossums typically occupy the abandoned burrows of other animals but show a strong preference for arboreal life, which provides added protection. However, their adaptability also leads them to venture into human spaces, taking up residence in attics, walls, and crawl spaces. This tendency to seek shelter in human homes can lead to conflicts, particularly when they are perceived as unwelcome intruders.

Opossum Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Opossums are non-aggressive mammals that avoid confrontations by feigning death, a behavior known as “playing possum,” when threatened. They are primarily nocturnal, remaining active for nine hours each night, depending on the season. While they do not pose direct threats through aggression, opossums can carry various parasites and diseases, which can be a concern in residential areas. Their presence is also marked by a strong, foul odor, particularly when they invade living spaces such as attics and crawl spaces.

If opossums are an issue, it’s best to have them removed humanely by a professional wildlife control company.